QUINCY, Calif. – The Walker Fire is burning on the Plumas National Forest approximately 11 miles east of the community of Taylorsville, California. It is currently 2000 acres and 0% contained. California Interagency Incident Management Team 14 took command of the fire at 6 a.m. on September 6, 2019.
Additional mandatory evacuations were ordered yesterday as winds pushed the Walker Fire primarily to the east/southeast. These evacuation have been issued by the Plumas County Sherriff’s Office (through the Code Red system) for the Genesee Valley Road Corridor as well in the Ward Creek area, and the Flournoy Bridge area due to the rapid rate of spread of the Walker Fire and the unpredictable fire behavior. Residents in need of accommodations should proceed to the Quincy area and may contact the Sheriff’s Office if assistance is needed. In addition, the Genesee Valley Road is currently closed at the Flournoy Bridge.
As of yesterday, the fire was well established in the Clearwater Creek drainage and was moving upslope (to the northeast) out of the drainage. The highest priority for crews overnight was to assess and clear around structures on the western flank of the fire along the Genesee Valley Road. The fire remains east of the Forest Road 25N42.Today, crews will continue to prioritize suppressing the fire near the structures.
Gusty, erratic winds are expected to increase fire behavior by this afternoon, although humidity recoveries were fairly good overnight. The forecast currently shows a drying trend with temperatures moderating. Windier conditions expected afternoon into the evening. Possibility of thunderstorms returns next week. For updates throughout the day please see http://www.Facebook.com/usfsplumas or https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/6568/.
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