Quincy, CA – December 19, 2016 - The Plumas National Forest (PNF) has published its travel analysis report, Travel Management – Subpart A, online, according to Daniel Lovato, Plumas National Forest Supervisor.
The report, an update of the forest’s 2003 roads analysis, includes information about various national forest system roads that may be unneeded and/or are posing a risk to other resources. “The report is not a decision document but is simply information to be considered in future project environmental planning processes,” said Lovato. He noted road status would not change unless determined in a site-specific project analysis.
The report may be found at: http://www.fs.usda.gov/plumas/ . Click on Travel Management in the upper right-hand menu. Interested members of the community may share more specific information if and when the roads in question are analyzed in future projects. The Plumas National Forest schedule of proposed actions (SOPA) may be found by navigating from the forest webpage (see above) using the “Land and Resource Management” menu option or at http://www.fs.fed.us/sopa/forest-level.php?110511 .
Subpart A is different from an earlier effort completed in 2008. Travel Management - Subpart B, was a decision document focusing on identifying which unauthorized travel routes needed to be identified as motorized trails and added to the national forest road system. Subpart B also required motorists to stay on authorized roads and trails, prohibiting cross-country travel. Motorized trails and unauthorized routes analyzed in Subpart B are not part of the Subpart A report.
For more information, contact Dave Wood, PNF Public Services Staff Officer at 530-283-7772.
The report, an update of the forest’s 2003 roads analysis, includes information about various national forest system roads that may be unneeded and/or are posing a risk to other resources. “The report is not a decision document but is simply information to be considered in future project environmental planning processes,” said Lovato. He noted road status would not change unless determined in a site-specific project analysis.
The report may be found at: http://www.fs.usda.gov/plumas/ . Click on Travel Management in the upper right-hand menu. Interested members of the community may share more specific information if and when the roads in question are analyzed in future projects. The Plumas National Forest schedule of proposed actions (SOPA) may be found by navigating from the forest webpage (see above) using the “Land and Resource Management” menu option or at http://www.fs.fed.us/sopa/forest-level.php?110511 .
Subpart A is different from an earlier effort completed in 2008. Travel Management - Subpart B, was a decision document focusing on identifying which unauthorized travel routes needed to be identified as motorized trails and added to the national forest road system. Subpart B also required motorists to stay on authorized roads and trails, prohibiting cross-country travel. Motorized trails and unauthorized routes analyzed in Subpart B are not part of the Subpart A report.
For more information, contact Dave Wood, PNF Public Services Staff Officer at 530-283-7772.