On May 12, 2020, Plumas County submitted a request for a variance to the Governor’s Stay-at-Home Order for our local Stage 2 business to open at a quicker pace than the rest of the state. Today, the state approved the variance. Plumas County has met the criteria provided by the state. To see the variance go to state website at https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/COVID-19/Local-Variance- Attestations.aspx or our local website at www.plumascounty.us.
The state determines which businesses will open in each stage. The following Stage 2 businesses are now allowed to open with specific safety plans in place:
- All retail business to on site sales (in store) including swap meets and malls
- Personal services, limited to: car washes, pet grooming, tanning facilities and landscape
gardening - Office-based businesses (telework remains strongly encouraged)
- Dine in restaurants (bars and gaming areas, not permitted)
- Outdoor museums and open gallery spaces
Home Childcare providers (schools and preschools remain closed at this time)
All businesses must have a written plan to mitigate COVID transmission risks. Plumas County has developed a template for businesses to use, COVID Operation Plan for Businesses, but. using this template is not mandatory. However, each business will need to prepare a written plan addressing the steps it will take to safeguard against the spread of COVID-19. The COVID-19 Operation Plan for Businesses does not need to be submitted to the County for approval; however, the plan must be in writing and accessible to all employees and county officials if requested. The COVID-19 Operation Plan for Businesses template is located on the county website, in the COVID tab, at www.plumascounty.us.
It is unknown at this time how long Stage 2 may last or when we will be able to safely and legally re- open Stage 3 businesses. The State has made it very clear that any county that moves into Stage 3 without the state’s approval may jeopardize receipt of state funding. Plumas County is already working on a plan to move to Stage 3 as soon as the state allows. Being able to safely and legally re-open Stage 3 businesses will be a community effort. Please continue to stay strong and maintain social distancing, practice good hygiene, wearing face coverings in public, and minimize going into public.