The Southern California News Group came down hard on Capitol Democrats’ plan to make it easier for school districts to push through property tax increases.
The editorial points out that “union-backed politicians don’t want to do anything about” skyrocketing pension costs (which are set to triple from 2013 to 2020), so they’re looking to devastate the common-sense protections that keep Californians from getting taxed out of their homes.
The paper goes on to condemn the Democratic argument “that it would be right and fair for… public sector unions and their favored politicians, to rig the system…to raise taxes and therefore the cost of living…to sustain a failing status quo.”
When schools make the case that they’ll use money efficiently, California voters have been willing to support local tax increases.
Apparently, that’s too high a bar for Democrats.
They’d rather change the rules than explain why taxpayers should cough up even more to rescue districts that bankrupted themselves with giveaways to their union allies.