SIERRA VALLEY, CA – February 8, 2017 – The Sierra Valley Groundwater Management District (SVGMD) board of directors is inviting the public to attend a presentation on the results of several recent groundwater studies conducted by Burkhard Bohm of Plumas Geo-Hydrology, Graeagle. The reports being presented include a compilation of existing data from older groundwater research in Sierra Valley and new studies on groundwater recharge and groundwater quality.
During the February 24 workshop, Burkhard Bohm will present highlights from several reports generated during his recent studies, including, “Inventory of Sierra Valley Wells and Groundwater Quality Conditions,” dated November 29, 2016, and “Sierra Valley Aquifer Delineation and Ground Water Flow,” dated January 20, 2017, as well as highlights from his work on the topic of Groundwater recharge and forest canopy thinning. Copies of the study reports, funded by a grant from Prop 50, can be viewed in advance of the presentation via the SVGMD website at
Under California’s 2014 Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, the Sierra Valley Groundwater Basin, currently ranked as Medium Priority, is required to have a Groundwater Sustainability Plan developed and in place by 2022.
“We are committed to involving many local residents, businesses, agricultural operators, representatives from our towns and other interested stakeholders in planning for sustainable groundwater in Sierra Valley,” said SVGMD board chairman, Einen Grandi of Loyalton. “This workshop represents an opportunity for all of us to learn more about where our groundwater comes from, about the existing wells in the basin, water quality trends and more.”
Bohm’s presentation will be followed by a discussion session, allowing attendees to follow up on points of interest.
Founded in 1989, Plumas Geo-Hydrology is a hydrology and geology consulting company serving the rural counties of the northern Sierra Nevada, northeastern California, and the urban areas in northern Nevada. Burkhard Bohm is a California Professional Geologist and Certified Hydrogeologist; he has a PhD in Hydrogeology. Bohm’s expertise includes groundwater exploration in fractured rocks and valley aquifers, solving water quality problems in wells and streams, soil and percolation tests, erosion and flooding problems, soil stability, and landslides.
The Sierra Valley Groundwater Management District was founded through a joint powers agreement between Plumas and Sierra Counties as authorized by California Senate Bill 1391 in 1980. SVGMD works to preserve and manage groundwater in the Sierra Valley basin for all beneficial uses.
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