THE OATHS OF OFFICE were given School Board Trustees at the December 11th Board of Education meeting held in Downieville. Taking the Oath were incumbents, Alan Wright, Mike Moore, Jennifer Gant and newly-elected Trustee, Andy Genasci as well as County Board Superintendent, Dr. Merrill Grant.
Dr. Grant recognized out-going Board member Sharon Dryden by video conference, who was attending in Loyalton. Sharon was praised for her 20 years’ of serving students and staff as she moves into more public service, having been elected as Sierra County Supervisor for District 5.
Dr. Grant talked of an interest in developing the middle field for soccer with a landscape group doing irrigation. He called it the “missing piece of the athletic field.” There will be a meeting after the New Year to look at costs.
For facilities, Dr. Grant talked of doing deferred maintenance in the spring to look at deficiencies, replacing carpet and furniture. There was a question over the high school gymnasium and whether the patching was under warranty. Andy Genasci
wanted to move up maintenance, particularly windows rated as poor.
Dr. Grant told how “very expensive” and hard to replace windows are to do at one time and mentioned a bond for facilities and improvements. Mike Moore said he’d recommended windows be replaced at the time when they are broken but it never happened.
Megan Meschery talked of teacher development and six elementary school teachers observing Tahoe Truckee teachers on strategies and coming back with new knowledge, calling it good to take teachers out for observations.
There was discussion over approving a contract retainment from Hat Creek for a paving project and $19,000 for new material not approved by the County Board of Education. The extra charge was not included in the original bid by Hat Creek. Dr. Grant will look at options. Mike Moore said he’d not vote on the extra money.
Dr. Grant was excited about the Adult Education Coordinator job description with all new money and designing a program. He told of being one of three voting members, including Plumas County and Feather River Jr. College. He called it “very unique.”
Business Manager Nona Griesert gave First Interim actuals for the County and District both having positive certifications. She told of 60% in classified, certificated salaries and benefits. Dr. Grant said he’s seen those expenses go as high as 80%.
Dr. Grant and all Board members had been to a new training session in Sacramento as a refresher course put on by the small school districts association. It was considered enjoyable and its policy program was felt could save time at Board meetings.
During her Loyalton Elementary School report, Principal Annie Ceresola told of the upcoming basketball tournament and $5,000 in paint and repairs made at the old middle school gym, called “awesome.”
At Loyalton High School, Principal Tom Jones noted they need a solution on how to get charging stations besides carpet and paint. There’s a leadership tree decoration contest he called “very festive.”
In Downieville the boiler project is “tightened up.” There is talk of a mountain bike club.
Under public comment, Stephanie Shelby started discussion over recruiting a math teacher, highly qualified. She wanted to make sure college-bound were on a path to success. Mike Moore, a former math teacher, called it a number one priority for the Board and they’ve looked as far as Washington and Oregon and called math teachers “very hard to find.” He told of allowing seven years of experience for the salary schedule.
It was asked if they’d reached out to Paradise, which was said to still have a school district. It was said the local district has a list of every vacancy and a world wide service. Math teacher Kim McKinney is leaving in January and it was said there is a short term plan for 2018-19. Megan Meschery told of asking neighboring counties with similar pay on recruiting talent and attending career fairs.
It was reported out of Closed Session, a conversation on the phone with the attorney had been held over two employees. It was decided to adopt an investigation and recommendation and a corrective action placed in the employee’s file with the attorney’s report.
For negotiations, it was stated it had been talked about last session on the request and information.
Dr. Grant recognized out-going Board member Sharon Dryden by video conference, who was attending in Loyalton. Sharon was praised for her 20 years’ of serving students and staff as she moves into more public service, having been elected as Sierra County Supervisor for District 5.
Dr. Grant talked of an interest in developing the middle field for soccer with a landscape group doing irrigation. He called it the “missing piece of the athletic field.” There will be a meeting after the New Year to look at costs.
For facilities, Dr. Grant talked of doing deferred maintenance in the spring to look at deficiencies, replacing carpet and furniture. There was a question over the high school gymnasium and whether the patching was under warranty. Andy Genasci
wanted to move up maintenance, particularly windows rated as poor.
Dr. Grant told how “very expensive” and hard to replace windows are to do at one time and mentioned a bond for facilities and improvements. Mike Moore said he’d recommended windows be replaced at the time when they are broken but it never happened.
Megan Meschery talked of teacher development and six elementary school teachers observing Tahoe Truckee teachers on strategies and coming back with new knowledge, calling it good to take teachers out for observations.
There was discussion over approving a contract retainment from Hat Creek for a paving project and $19,000 for new material not approved by the County Board of Education. The extra charge was not included in the original bid by Hat Creek. Dr. Grant will look at options. Mike Moore said he’d not vote on the extra money.
Dr. Grant was excited about the Adult Education Coordinator job description with all new money and designing a program. He told of being one of three voting members, including Plumas County and Feather River Jr. College. He called it “very unique.”
Business Manager Nona Griesert gave First Interim actuals for the County and District both having positive certifications. She told of 60% in classified, certificated salaries and benefits. Dr. Grant said he’s seen those expenses go as high as 80%.
Dr. Grant and all Board members had been to a new training session in Sacramento as a refresher course put on by the small school districts association. It was considered enjoyable and its policy program was felt could save time at Board meetings.
During her Loyalton Elementary School report, Principal Annie Ceresola told of the upcoming basketball tournament and $5,000 in paint and repairs made at the old middle school gym, called “awesome.”
At Loyalton High School, Principal Tom Jones noted they need a solution on how to get charging stations besides carpet and paint. There’s a leadership tree decoration contest he called “very festive.”
In Downieville the boiler project is “tightened up.” There is talk of a mountain bike club.
Under public comment, Stephanie Shelby started discussion over recruiting a math teacher, highly qualified. She wanted to make sure college-bound were on a path to success. Mike Moore, a former math teacher, called it a number one priority for the Board and they’ve looked as far as Washington and Oregon and called math teachers “very hard to find.” He told of allowing seven years of experience for the salary schedule.
It was asked if they’d reached out to Paradise, which was said to still have a school district. It was said the local district has a list of every vacancy and a world wide service. Math teacher Kim McKinney is leaving in January and it was said there is a short term plan for 2018-19. Megan Meschery told of asking neighboring counties with similar pay on recruiting talent and attending career fairs.
It was reported out of Closed Session, a conversation on the phone with the attorney had been held over two employees. It was decided to adopt an investigation and recommendation and a corrective action placed in the employee’s file with the attorney’s report.
For negotiations, it was stated it had been talked about last session on the request and information.