(BASSETTS) – San Francisco State University’s Sierra Nevada Field Campus is pleased to announce that they will be hosting an open house event at their Bassetts site on the 22nd of June. This event represents an opportunity for anyone curious about the operations and class offerings of the Field Campus to have an up close and personal look at everything that goes on under the SNFC umbrella.
“We’re very excited to extend this invitation to members of the local community and prospective students from out of town alike” said Darrow Feldstein, director of the SNFC campus. In holding this event, the Field Campus hopes to garner more interest from local residents in participating in some of the courses offered at this scenic location.
The Field Campus will be hosting this open house from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM on Saturday the 22nd; the event will feature multiple informational booths to answer any questions that inquiring minds may have about courses and daily operations at the campus. Director Feldstein will be leading a guided director’s tour at 2:00 PM sharp. Anyone interested in coming is advised to email [email protected] to informally RSVP; we look forward to seeing you all there.