A PUBLIC HEARING on Sierra County’s Housing Element Update was held December 1st by videoconference. Deputy Director Brandon Pangman told of two grants with a total of $225,000 with a focus on housing. Numbers are developed as the State looks at population projections and allocates regionally portable housing needs. The 2020-2024 Need is a grand total of six, Brandon stated. The City of Loyalton got two and the unincorporated portion got four. The County is not responsible to build, he said.
Supervisor Sharon Dryden noted no female head of households met the poverty level.
Loyalton Mobile Home Park Property
Supervisor Sharon Dryden had Brandon clarify the most obvious use of multi-family housing development. Brandon read where it states the County shall work with the property owner of Loyalton Mobile Home Park for higher use development. He explained loss of the State license and demolition of affordable housing and the loss of units targets for potential for future affordable housing well in excess of 50 units with the infrastructure in place. It was historically served by the City for water and sewer, although the majority of the property is outside the City, it had been indicated, Brandon stated, the City will continue to service. The Housing Element does not commit the County to any plans and it would go to the state through the process for any changes. The policy doesn’t circumvent the process, he said. They would need an application from the owner for environmental review and go to public hearings for any proposal. Zoning is multi-unit residential and potential for a mobile home park with a conditional use permit.
According to Brandon, the Planning Department has not received an application or met with the current property owner. “Nothing is happening,” he stated.
One last comment, Sharon called it “complete lunacy” to meet all the requirements with energy conservation with affordable housing and the increased cost.
Supervisor Sharon Dryden noted no female head of households met the poverty level.
Loyalton Mobile Home Park Property
Supervisor Sharon Dryden had Brandon clarify the most obvious use of multi-family housing development. Brandon read where it states the County shall work with the property owner of Loyalton Mobile Home Park for higher use development. He explained loss of the State license and demolition of affordable housing and the loss of units targets for potential for future affordable housing well in excess of 50 units with the infrastructure in place. It was historically served by the City for water and sewer, although the majority of the property is outside the City, it had been indicated, Brandon stated, the City will continue to service. The Housing Element does not commit the County to any plans and it would go to the state through the process for any changes. The policy doesn’t circumvent the process, he said. They would need an application from the owner for environmental review and go to public hearings for any proposal. Zoning is multi-unit residential and potential for a mobile home park with a conditional use permit.
According to Brandon, the Planning Department has not received an application or met with the current property owner. “Nothing is happening,” he stated.
One last comment, Sharon called it “complete lunacy” to meet all the requirements with energy conservation with affordable housing and the increased cost.