SIERRRA COUNTY SHERIFF Mike Fisher reported on recent storm damage during the Board of Supervisors’ meeting held November 15th in Loyalton. He stated the Sheriff’s Office radio system went down for almost a week and had been working with AT&T and Office of Emergency Services to fix the issue. Fisher said some of the problem stemmed from last year’s December 2021 storm where AT&T’s line was damaged pretty heavily. He was complimentary for the local linemen, but felt AT&T continues to not pay much attention to Sierra County. During the last storm, Caltrans’ generator went out. Fisher stated they were set to get that fixed that day. Brownouts from PG&E damaged some equipment on the repeater side. As of November 14th, the radios are back up. Fisher said they were going to need to do some major retrofit to the Sheriff’s Office radio system and planned to start looking for some funding sources.
GRAND THEFT on Main Street in Loyalton was reported to Sierra County Sheriff’s office on November 18, 2022.
A check written out for over $6,000 to a Loyalton business was mailed out and the owner realized the check had been rewritten and deposited in an account in Sacramento. An investigation is pending.
GRAND THEFT on Main Street in Loyalton was reported to Sierra County Sheriff’s office on November 18, 2022.
A check written out for over $6,000 to a Loyalton business was mailed out and the owner realized the check had been rewritten and deposited in an account in Sacramento. An investigation is pending.