AN AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES with Mintier Harnish for updates to the Sierra County Zoning Code and General Plan was approved unanimously by the Board of Supervisors at its regular meeting held February 6th in Downieville. Planning Director Brandon Pangman stated the project has been stalled for about 10 years because they were trying to get all the funding figured out, adding they have put in a lot of work to get to this point. The original estimate came in to finish the job at over $1 million and they worked to get it down to $335,000, taking out some projects and by breaking it into phases. Phase one is to complete the drafts of the general plan and zoning code updates for $145,000. The county put $95,000 aside for the project. Pangman suggested amending existing Regional Early Action Plan (REAP) and Local Early Action Plan (LEAP) grants for affordable housing policies by requesting some of the funds be used for this project. He received word back from Housing and Community Development (HCD) that both amendments were approved REAP up to $42,531 and LEAP up to $39,000. Pangman stated they would now be able to get through the first phase and felt they would have completion of this phase by next summer. The second phase will be more administrative and environmental review which will take another year or two.
SIERRA COUNTY’S Schools for Adults Director and Principal Wendy Jackson reported to the School Board on February 13th that they are up to 97 students. HVAC is being installed in the new building and then electrical and plumbing will take place. She was hoping to have the EMS side of the building completely ready by the first of April and first courses ready by the end of May for the culinary side.
Jackson stated they will have three graduating this year with diplomas and/or GED.
A Request for waiver of estimated fees for the processing of an application for a conditional use permit submitted by Shakti Sharma for the Spiritual Alignment CUP was denied by the Sierra County Board of Supervisors at its regular meeting held on February 6th in Downieville due to this being the second meeting the applicant did not attend.
A Professional Services Agreement with Feather River Forestry, LLC to provide Professional Forester Services on behalf of Sierra County for the Sierra Nevada Conservancy Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Program in an amount not to exceed $235,000 was approved unanimously by the Board of Supervisors on February 6th. Supervisor Sharon Dryden stated it was rewarding to see the amount of work getting done in Sierra County.
A RESOLUTION awarding the contract to McCuen Construction, Inc. for the Downieville Community Center Remodeling Project in an amount not to exceed $775,778.49 was discussed during the Sierra County Board of Supervisors’ meeting on February 6th in Downieville. Public Works Director Bryan Davey stated they have been working a long time to get this project under construction. The project initially went out to bid and received no bids, so they were able to go out directly to negotiate with contractors. He felt they had a viable proposal from McCuen Construction, but it would require an increase of $139,660 to the budget to move forward. Davey explained the contract with McCuen for the construction of the Downieville Community Center renovation had no contingency available in the contract price, so if there were any change orders, they would have to reorganize how to construct without increasing the budget. Supervisor Sharon Dryden said time was of the essence so the project can’t get dragged out. Supervisor Lee Adams stated the Center became the County’s responsibility over 70 years ago and this gets the project done for decades and is super important to western Sierra County. Adams acknowledged all the work Davey had done for months and made the motion to approve the Resolution which passed unanimously. A big AMEN and applause came from the audience.
An agreement to Contractor Compliance and Monitoring, Inc, for the Downieville Community Center Remodeling Project in an amount not to exceed $7,265.00 was also passed unanimously.
A TRAIN DERAILED traveling westbound near the Camp Layman area in Plumas County on Sunday, February 11th. 14 railcars carrying coal derailed with three landing in or near the Feather River. There were no injuries and all stakeholders are working together under a unified command to clean up the accident site, repair the rail and any enviromental impact. The impact of the coal in the river is not deemed a significant environmental hazard. The cause of the derailment is unknown at this time.
Nichole Johnson
[email protected]
SIERRA COUNTY’S Schools for Adults Director and Principal Wendy Jackson reported to the School Board on February 13th that they are up to 97 students. HVAC is being installed in the new building and then electrical and plumbing will take place. She was hoping to have the EMS side of the building completely ready by the first of April and first courses ready by the end of May for the culinary side.
Jackson stated they will have three graduating this year with diplomas and/or GED.
A Request for waiver of estimated fees for the processing of an application for a conditional use permit submitted by Shakti Sharma for the Spiritual Alignment CUP was denied by the Sierra County Board of Supervisors at its regular meeting held on February 6th in Downieville due to this being the second meeting the applicant did not attend.
A Professional Services Agreement with Feather River Forestry, LLC to provide Professional Forester Services on behalf of Sierra County for the Sierra Nevada Conservancy Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Program in an amount not to exceed $235,000 was approved unanimously by the Board of Supervisors on February 6th. Supervisor Sharon Dryden stated it was rewarding to see the amount of work getting done in Sierra County.
A RESOLUTION awarding the contract to McCuen Construction, Inc. for the Downieville Community Center Remodeling Project in an amount not to exceed $775,778.49 was discussed during the Sierra County Board of Supervisors’ meeting on February 6th in Downieville. Public Works Director Bryan Davey stated they have been working a long time to get this project under construction. The project initially went out to bid and received no bids, so they were able to go out directly to negotiate with contractors. He felt they had a viable proposal from McCuen Construction, but it would require an increase of $139,660 to the budget to move forward. Davey explained the contract with McCuen for the construction of the Downieville Community Center renovation had no contingency available in the contract price, so if there were any change orders, they would have to reorganize how to construct without increasing the budget. Supervisor Sharon Dryden said time was of the essence so the project can’t get dragged out. Supervisor Lee Adams stated the Center became the County’s responsibility over 70 years ago and this gets the project done for decades and is super important to western Sierra County. Adams acknowledged all the work Davey had done for months and made the motion to approve the Resolution which passed unanimously. A big AMEN and applause came from the audience.
An agreement to Contractor Compliance and Monitoring, Inc, for the Downieville Community Center Remodeling Project in an amount not to exceed $7,265.00 was also passed unanimously.
A TRAIN DERAILED traveling westbound near the Camp Layman area in Plumas County on Sunday, February 11th. 14 railcars carrying coal derailed with three landing in or near the Feather River. There were no injuries and all stakeholders are working together under a unified command to clean up the accident site, repair the rail and any enviromental impact. The impact of the coal in the river is not deemed a significant environmental hazard. The cause of the derailment is unknown at this time.
Nichole Johnson
[email protected]