The Plumas Sierra Cattlewomen helped make the last Tuesday that the local children attended school a very special occasion. The fourth grade classes of Ms Thayer and Ms. Preston from C.Roy Carmichael attended with their total of 44 students in the morning. In the afternoon from Loyalton Elementary came 24 members from Ms. Folchi's third grade class along with 36 fourth grade children from the classes of Ms. Haug and Ms. Armstrong . They were greeted as they arrived by Plumas Sierra Cattlemen who were eager to begin the Ranch Day Experience. After dividing into 5 groups they rotated between five stations of interest:
These were as follows: Ranch owner Dave Goss with the help of Cinnamon LaFeaver and daughter Karlie drove the hay wagon with his tractor out into the fields as areas of interest and history were pointed out. New baby calves were among the sights. Another area contained Ms. Goss with her sheep and dogs. Explaining about the care of a lamb from its beginning to adulthood was followed by a demonstration of a working sheep dog. Next Mrs. Roberti held the attention of the students with information about the care of calves from their birth to maturity. Then the students each received a newly branded piece of wood at the brand identification station. Mr. Knight and Mr. Forrest were in charge of the hot branding irons. Along the back fence three poster-type bulletin boards were hung where Ms. Knight and Ms. Pombo informed the listening students abut the many by-products gotten from a cow, (Did you know that the NFL uses 3,000 hides in a season for their footballs?} As students answered questions about the many by-products, they got a marshmellow which has components made from a cow. The last station was where the wonderous mysteries of the egg-producing process in a hen was explained. by Ms. Colberg
All in all it was a very successful and educational day. The Plumas Sierra Cattlewomen have the goal in their involvement with the youth of the community to "instill in the coming generation the love of the land and of life, the humility and awe before nature and the hope and faith in the future". This is a direct quote from the Cattlewomen's Creed. Those members who participat ed in this activity were Laural Colberg, Hollis Coogan, Valerie Cook, Stacey Estrada, LaVerne Forrest, Denise Geissinger, Doris Goss, Kathy Knight, Chris Lindberg, Marjorie Logan, Karka Pombo, Helen Roberti, Linda Springer, Debbie Thompson, Nancy Thompson,Joleen Torri, and Lulu Zeits.
Nancy Thompson
These were as follows: Ranch owner Dave Goss with the help of Cinnamon LaFeaver and daughter Karlie drove the hay wagon with his tractor out into the fields as areas of interest and history were pointed out. New baby calves were among the sights. Another area contained Ms. Goss with her sheep and dogs. Explaining about the care of a lamb from its beginning to adulthood was followed by a demonstration of a working sheep dog. Next Mrs. Roberti held the attention of the students with information about the care of calves from their birth to maturity. Then the students each received a newly branded piece of wood at the brand identification station. Mr. Knight and Mr. Forrest were in charge of the hot branding irons. Along the back fence three poster-type bulletin boards were hung where Ms. Knight and Ms. Pombo informed the listening students abut the many by-products gotten from a cow, (Did you know that the NFL uses 3,000 hides in a season for their footballs?} As students answered questions about the many by-products, they got a marshmellow which has components made from a cow. The last station was where the wonderous mysteries of the egg-producing process in a hen was explained. by Ms. Colberg
All in all it was a very successful and educational day. The Plumas Sierra Cattlewomen have the goal in their involvement with the youth of the community to "instill in the coming generation the love of the land and of life, the humility and awe before nature and the hope and faith in the future". This is a direct quote from the Cattlewomen's Creed. Those members who participat ed in this activity were Laural Colberg, Hollis Coogan, Valerie Cook, Stacey Estrada, LaVerne Forrest, Denise Geissinger, Doris Goss, Kathy Knight, Chris Lindberg, Marjorie Logan, Karka Pombo, Helen Roberti, Linda Springer, Debbie Thompson, Nancy Thompson,Joleen Torri, and Lulu Zeits.
Nancy Thompson