Monday evening November 2, 2020
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If you have any symptoms that could possibly be from COVID-19, please get tested. Call us at 530- 694-2146 for evaluation.
If you do not have any symptoms, but would like to get tested, please utilize our drive through testing events, in Bear Valley, Kirkwood, and Woodfords. If you are receiving this, you also receive notification of testing sites and times.
Wear a mask, wash your hands, keep your distance, stay home if you are sick, minimize exposure and participation in gatherings of any size, and get tested!
For other questions, call our Warm Line at 530-694-1011.
Alpine County Health Department, 75-B Diamond Valley Rd., Markleeville, CA 96120 Alpine County
Public Health Brief
Richard O. Johnson, M.D., MPH
Nichole Williamson
Public Health Officer
Office: 530-694-2146, Ext 249
You May Want to Sit Down Before Reading This!
Alpine County has been cruising along with 3 cases of COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic – until this last week. We are now at 16 cases and counting, with 13 new cases in the last 7 days. 10 (ten) of these cases are active (in isolation), and one is hospitalized. Our staff are diligently working on targeted case investigations, contact tracing, and testing, making every attempt to limit the spread and new cases among residents of Alpine County. The cooperation of the public in responding to our requests for information is much appreciated. All of us need to be working together to protect our households and community. If you have been asked or ordered to isolate or quarantine, please follow all instructions. As a community, we are considering additional measures to protect our community members, especially those at highest risk (elderly and those with underlying medical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, heart and lung disease, cancer.
We get requests every day as to “who” and “where”? Citizens in our small communities have the right of privacy, but you may respond and say you have the right to know. However, the right to privacy is greater. You have a right to know only if you would be advised to alter your behavior in order to reduce your risk of infection. If it has been determined that you are a close contact of a confirmed case, you have been or will be contacted by our staff within 24 hours of our testing or notification. Otherwise, what should you do: