-restrictions lifted on federally-managed land-
QUINCY, CA – The Forest Service announced that fire restrictions will be lifted for federally managed lands in the Plumas National Forest (PNF) effective Monday, Sept 23, 2019. Restrictions on private land remain in place and are managed by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (http://calfire.ca.gov).
Forest visitors may enjoy campfires outside of designated campgrounds and recreation sites, although California campfire permits are still required. The free permits may be obtained online at http://www.preventwildfireca.org/Campfire-Permit/ or from Forest Service offices during normal business hours (M-F; 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.). Visitors are reminded to keep campfires small and to ensure the fire is dead out and cold to the touch before leaving camp.
As a reminder, woodcutters must assure chainsaws are equipped with spark arresters, have valid woodcutting permits and tags visible on their loads. Please call 1-800-847-7766 as required by firewood permits for burn-day information before heading out to cut wood.
For more information about road conditions, recreation areas and firewood availability, please contact the Beckwourth Ranger District in Blairsden at (530) 836-2575, the Mt. Hough Ranger District in Quincy at (530) 283-0555, or the Feather River Ranger District in Oroville at (530) 534-6500.
For information about the Plumas National Forest visit http://www.fs.usda.gov/plumas and www.Facebook.com/usfsplumas.
Twitter: @usfsplumas
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