QUINCY, Calif. – Plumas National Forest officials have enacted a temporary closure order through October 31, 2020, for national forest land, roads and trails within the Claremont and Bear Fires area. The closure is in place 24-hours/day due to the unsafe conditions.
“We can’t overstate the dangerous conditions, seen and unseen, that exist in and around the fire areas,” said Chris Carlton, Forest Supervisor. He noted it will take some time to secure a perimeter around the fires and get it sufficiently mopped-up to preclude the fires from moving.
Those exempt from the order include: 1) any Federal, State or local officer, or member of an organized rescue or fire fighting force in the performance of an official duty; 2) persons with Forest Service Permit No. FS-7700-48 (Permit for Use of Roads, Trails, or Areas Restricted by Regulation or Order), specifically exempting them from this Order; 3) owners or lessees of land in the Claremont and Bear Fires Closure Area, to the extent necessary to access their land; and, 4) Persons with a permit from the Forest Service specifically authorizing the otherwise prohibited acts or omission.
A map of the closure area is available at: https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/plumas/alerts-notices
For more information about the Claremont and Bear Fires, see, respectively, https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/6996 and https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/7025/ , call North Complex Fire Information at (530) 316-4487, and visit https://www.Facebook.com/usfsplumas .
A similar closure is in place for the Sheep Fire area https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/7067/ . ###
Twitter: @usfsplumas
Plumas NF Claremont and Bear Fires Closure
-Temporary closure to protect firefighters and public-
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