Cited violations were are May 1, 2014, July 11, 2014, September 15, 2014, December 5, 2014, January 15, 2015 and April 9, 2015.
The Notice of Suspension to Operate Loyalton Mobile Home Park, LLC is dated December 31, 2015, written to owner Steven Griggs, of Trident Pacific Real Estate Group in Newport Beach, CA. with addresses also in Kings Beach, CA and Reno, NV.
The suspension states he “may not operate, occupy, rent, lease, sublease, demand or collect rent, or hire out for occupancy, any lot within the Mobilehome Park. Because the park no longer has a valid Permit ot Operate, pursuant to HSC Sections 18214 and 18500, it is not legal for you to charge or accept rent for lots in the park, or for rental mobilehomes or recreational vehicles you may own that are in the park.
“During the suspension period, a Permit to Construct is still required for any construction or repair activity related to correction of the previously cited violations.”
It further states, “Under the provisions of the Mobilehome Residency Law and/or local ordinances, you may be liable to the residents and/or the County of Sierra for various fines and penalties, actual damages of the residents including relocation costs incurred by residents as a result of this action, as well as other judicial remedies resulting from your failure to comply with applicable laws.”
There’s a huge back tax liability owed the County and a $200,000 water and sewer bill owed the City of Loyalton.
Conditions in the park have deteriorated to attract squatters and illegal possession in the worst of living conditions right here in Loyalton.
Where is Steven Griggs and what lies ahead for those 30 occupied trailers in the park; several long-time residents who are subjected to a declining environment.
For photos and a complete story, see the January 14th issue of Sierra Booster.