NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the City of Portola will hold a public hearing on proposed increases to the residential and commercial refuse collection fees and residential recycling fees of the City of Portola which are billed by Intermountain Disposal in accordance with its franchise agreement. The public hearing will be held on October 25, 2017 at or after the hour of 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, Portola City Hall, 35 Third Avenue, Portola, California.
At the public hearing, any interested person may appear and be heard and/or submit written materials as to whether the proposed charges are discriminatory or excessive, or will not be sufficient under Government Code section 54515, or will not comply with any other provision of Chapter 6, stating at Government Code section 54300, of Part I of Division 2 of Title 5 of the Government Code, or on any other matter relating to the proposed fees. Written comments submitted to the City Clerk at the address listed below prior to October 25, 2017 and received prior to the close of the public hearing on October 25, 2017 will be presented to the City Council at the public hearing.
A copy of the proposed rates for refuse collection fees and residential recycling fees billed by Intermountain Disposal are attached to this notice. Additional cost data is available for inspection at the City Clerk’s Office, 35 Third Avenue, Portola, California. For further information on waste collection and recycling fees, contact 832-6803.
Owners of parcels, tenants and the public may comment on the proposed fees in writing prior to, or orally during the public hearing. Consistent with the provisions of Proposition 218 (as implemented by Assembly Bill 1260) this Notice has been mailed to all property owners and tenants within the City. If you are a property owner or tenant and wish to protest the proposed fees as described in this Notice, then you must file a written protest with the City at or before the time set for the public hearing. If the party signing the protest is not shown on the last equalized assessment roll of Plumas County as the owner(s) of the parcel(s), the protest must contain, or be accompanied by, written evidence that such party is the owner, or tenant, of the parcel(s). If protests from a majority of the affected parcels are submitted, the proposed rate increases will not go into effect. Only one protest per parcel will be counted. Only the first protest received by the City from a parcel will be counted. Owners of multiple properties may submit one protest for each property owned.
Protests can be mailed or personally delivered to the City Clerk as follows:
Melissa Klundby, City Clerk, City of Portola
P.O. Box 1225
35 Third Avenue
Portola, California 96122
Dated & Published: September 6, 2017
For accessible meeting information, please call (530) 832-6803