LOYALTON’S FINANCES were discussed during a special session at City Hall March 21st. Pat Whitley was absent due to being in a Reno hospital, (home now).
Mid year balances were used, through the end of December.
Fire Department: Total budget is $30,000. $10,000 from the City; $20,000 comes from the County, $15,000 for Sierra Brooks and $5,000 for Loyalton. Mayor Mark Marin wanted to ask the County for more yet Brooks Mitchell stated the County was adamant to be revenue-neutral and they can’t increase the revenue off the County. Bookkeeper Kim Lombardi noted the fire department is now generating revenue.
Streets and Highways: Total budget is $33,200. John Cussins noted they have to be paying water and sewer on the park which requires meters and need to be in to get grants. They had used 37% of expenditures; 52% on personnel and stated they’d need to keep an eye on this. For legal fees it budgeted $100 and used $400. Auditing expense was $190 short. Equipment expense was $1,200 short. Capital outlay was $115 short. To balance those accounts, $30 was taken from taxes and solid waste, $1,000 from insurance, $200 from office expense, $590 from operating supplies for a total of $1,820.
Park and Social Hall: It was down $1,200 for personnel with no revenue except for the hall rental. Expenses come from the general fund. The city budgeted $8,600 for personnel at the park and spent $9,500. Kathy LeBlanc stated insurance covers volunteers but they have to be age 18 or older. They were at 114% for personnel expenses; 100% for repairs and maintenance; 90% for auto and 95% for repairs. They are buying carpet and paint with no estimated costs. Kim said to transfer $15,370 instead of $14,170 from general fund. Suggestions were given for labor. Ernie Teague stated the social hall needs lights and sidewalk repair.
Museum and Cemetery: These get “very little revenue,” according to Kim. Budget was $5,500 and projected revenue was $2,000. Cemetery rates were discussed. Residents within the city pay $250 per plot; residents outside the city, pay $400. Within the Memorial Garden, spaces are $150 for one urn per space; regular cemetery plots allow up to four urns per plot only. For veterans who own property in Loyalton, plots are free.They’d sold three plots this year. Brooks noted they’ve got “a lot of new ground.”
Thrift Store: No budget with no history and Ernie questioned average monthly utilities. They only have one propane meter. There is still no lease with the thrift store and one meter is installed in the work room. Mark noted the furnace has been called “junk.” A new heater will cost $2,000 - $3,000. Revenue on the auditorium was questioned.
Overall Legal Fees: Legal fees, with Attorney Steve Gross charging $200 per hour, were $11,000 just for February and March. Budget for the whole year is $12,750. Kim noted they were spending more money than bringing in and “in some cases, than we have.”
Enterprise Fund Utility Expenses: Sewer is 81% at 50% of the year. Contracted services for water was at 254% and John noted repairs hadn’t been done several years.
Enterprise USDA loan payments: John talked about Prop. 218 and how they have to go through those accounts and it governs what you do with funding. They are producing more than $44,000 for water but short on sewer. John and Brooks disagreed on reducing the water account with John stating, “You can’t take one from the other. Water can’t pay for sewer.” He suggested raising sewer rates. Brooks stated, “We control the water system.” Sewer is at 81% of the budgeted amount for utilities with aerators not running, not making State requirements. They’re over 100% on water equipment, repairs and maintenance. Water equipment repair and maintenance account needs another $500, legal fees needs $100 and other contracted services needs $2,700, capital outlay needs $100 for a total of $3,400. They used $500 from small tools, $2,500 from operating supplies, $400 from telephone for a total of $3,400.
Mid year balances were used, through the end of December.
Fire Department: Total budget is $30,000. $10,000 from the City; $20,000 comes from the County, $15,000 for Sierra Brooks and $5,000 for Loyalton. Mayor Mark Marin wanted to ask the County for more yet Brooks Mitchell stated the County was adamant to be revenue-neutral and they can’t increase the revenue off the County. Bookkeeper Kim Lombardi noted the fire department is now generating revenue.
Streets and Highways: Total budget is $33,200. John Cussins noted they have to be paying water and sewer on the park which requires meters and need to be in to get grants. They had used 37% of expenditures; 52% on personnel and stated they’d need to keep an eye on this. For legal fees it budgeted $100 and used $400. Auditing expense was $190 short. Equipment expense was $1,200 short. Capital outlay was $115 short. To balance those accounts, $30 was taken from taxes and solid waste, $1,000 from insurance, $200 from office expense, $590 from operating supplies for a total of $1,820.
Park and Social Hall: It was down $1,200 for personnel with no revenue except for the hall rental. Expenses come from the general fund. The city budgeted $8,600 for personnel at the park and spent $9,500. Kathy LeBlanc stated insurance covers volunteers but they have to be age 18 or older. They were at 114% for personnel expenses; 100% for repairs and maintenance; 90% for auto and 95% for repairs. They are buying carpet and paint with no estimated costs. Kim said to transfer $15,370 instead of $14,170 from general fund. Suggestions were given for labor. Ernie Teague stated the social hall needs lights and sidewalk repair.
Museum and Cemetery: These get “very little revenue,” according to Kim. Budget was $5,500 and projected revenue was $2,000. Cemetery rates were discussed. Residents within the city pay $250 per plot; residents outside the city, pay $400. Within the Memorial Garden, spaces are $150 for one urn per space; regular cemetery plots allow up to four urns per plot only. For veterans who own property in Loyalton, plots are free.They’d sold three plots this year. Brooks noted they’ve got “a lot of new ground.”
Thrift Store: No budget with no history and Ernie questioned average monthly utilities. They only have one propane meter. There is still no lease with the thrift store and one meter is installed in the work room. Mark noted the furnace has been called “junk.” A new heater will cost $2,000 - $3,000. Revenue on the auditorium was questioned.
Overall Legal Fees: Legal fees, with Attorney Steve Gross charging $200 per hour, were $11,000 just for February and March. Budget for the whole year is $12,750. Kim noted they were spending more money than bringing in and “in some cases, than we have.”
Enterprise Fund Utility Expenses: Sewer is 81% at 50% of the year. Contracted services for water was at 254% and John noted repairs hadn’t been done several years.
Enterprise USDA loan payments: John talked about Prop. 218 and how they have to go through those accounts and it governs what you do with funding. They are producing more than $44,000 for water but short on sewer. John and Brooks disagreed on reducing the water account with John stating, “You can’t take one from the other. Water can’t pay for sewer.” He suggested raising sewer rates. Brooks stated, “We control the water system.” Sewer is at 81% of the budgeted amount for utilities with aerators not running, not making State requirements. They’re over 100% on water equipment, repairs and maintenance. Water equipment repair and maintenance account needs another $500, legal fees needs $100 and other contracted services needs $2,700, capital outlay needs $100 for a total of $3,400. They used $500 from small tools, $2,500 from operating supplies, $400 from telephone for a total of $3,400.