LOYALTON CITY COUNCIL met July 18, 2017. Mayor Marin stated concerning the Verizon tower, the company held off signing for a water-stamped copy of the agreement.
Concerning watering downtown, he stated timers at $80 each continued to be stolen so he’d told the public businesses to turn water on and off manually.
Financial Report
On the recent $2,007,511.00 settlement of the water and sewer lawsuit, he stated it was “one hell of a lot less,” as berms weren’t the emergency and not going to wash out and all sewer records had been destroyed and the city was liable “to get nothing.” He added, “Beckwith Street will get fixed.” The mayor did not mention the condition of all city streets.
It was approved to transfer the litigation settlement funds to a money market account.
It was approved to pay $24,000 for payment of USDA loans for July 2017. Another approval of USDA loan payments totaled $202,343.13. After approval of the financial report, the mayor claimed a “clean audit,” and credited bookkeeper Kim Lombardi for her hard work with Mary Fleming Leslie, of RCAC.
Payment of bills totaled $445,355,97. Included was a $10 insufficient funds charge from Plumas Bank; $191,964.55 to Snell & Wilmer LLP Law firm for 10% settlement per agreement, $8,786.55 to Mead Law Group and $26,660.00 to Porter Simon.
Two inactive Wells and one Well house declared Surplus
Under direction of its attorney, the council moved to declare the wells and well house as surplus and Gallegos moved, seconded by Rogers to transfer ownership of the wells and well house to property owner Goicoechea.
Discontinuance of Water Service
On water shut off notices, the Council removed the 7-14 day shut off notice to a 72-hour notice as it takes almost three months to pay water bills and the public is not reacting. The mayor said one person owes over $8,000. Although it was not on the agenda, the mayor told of the trailer park’s permit to be revoked “in days.”
Holiday Pay
The Council approved to pay holiday pay for July 3rd with the mayor stating a “$50,000 slush.:” From the audience, it was advised, “Save it and build it up.”
KATHYRN “KATE” GRAVES was installed as Loyalton’s City Clerk at the July 18th City Council meeting. Kate was born and raised in Sierra Valley and is a Loyalton High School graduate. Her kids both attended Loyalton Elementary and middle schools and are currently attending Loyalton High School.
Kate is best known for her efficiency as part-time flex clerk at Loyalton Post Office.
Concerning watering downtown, he stated timers at $80 each continued to be stolen so he’d told the public businesses to turn water on and off manually.
Financial Report
On the recent $2,007,511.00 settlement of the water and sewer lawsuit, he stated it was “one hell of a lot less,” as berms weren’t the emergency and not going to wash out and all sewer records had been destroyed and the city was liable “to get nothing.” He added, “Beckwith Street will get fixed.” The mayor did not mention the condition of all city streets.
It was approved to transfer the litigation settlement funds to a money market account.
It was approved to pay $24,000 for payment of USDA loans for July 2017. Another approval of USDA loan payments totaled $202,343.13. After approval of the financial report, the mayor claimed a “clean audit,” and credited bookkeeper Kim Lombardi for her hard work with Mary Fleming Leslie, of RCAC.
Payment of bills totaled $445,355,97. Included was a $10 insufficient funds charge from Plumas Bank; $191,964.55 to Snell & Wilmer LLP Law firm for 10% settlement per agreement, $8,786.55 to Mead Law Group and $26,660.00 to Porter Simon.
Two inactive Wells and one Well house declared Surplus
Under direction of its attorney, the council moved to declare the wells and well house as surplus and Gallegos moved, seconded by Rogers to transfer ownership of the wells and well house to property owner Goicoechea.
Discontinuance of Water Service
On water shut off notices, the Council removed the 7-14 day shut off notice to a 72-hour notice as it takes almost three months to pay water bills and the public is not reacting. The mayor said one person owes over $8,000. Although it was not on the agenda, the mayor told of the trailer park’s permit to be revoked “in days.”
Holiday Pay
The Council approved to pay holiday pay for July 3rd with the mayor stating a “$50,000 slush.:” From the audience, it was advised, “Save it and build it up.”
KATHYRN “KATE” GRAVES was installed as Loyalton’s City Clerk at the July 18th City Council meeting. Kate was born and raised in Sierra Valley and is a Loyalton High School graduate. Her kids both attended Loyalton Elementary and middle schools and are currently attending Loyalton High School.
Kate is best known for her efficiency as part-time flex clerk at Loyalton Post Office.