LOYALTON CITY COUNCIL held a special meeting Tuesday, January 31st with Sierra County Supervisor Scott Schlefstein in attendance.
Scott told of an upcoming pre meeting with County Counsel concerning Loyalton Mobile Home Park and talk of permits in trying to find out if the State has revoked the trailer park permit. Scott explained the need for a permanent revoke permit to move forward but they can’t transition people in winter. He talked of questions about funds for relocation and wanting it to be in warm weather. He told the Council how the State required an auction but with no bids and stated, “There’s only so much we can do to recoup taxpayer money.”
Councilman Brooks Mitchell brought up losing sewer and water funds they can’t recoup. He talked of “just losing more revenue if they wait through winter.”
Scott responded with, it’s the “State’s fault; they control the license.” He added they can’t do anything with the land and it won’t be a legal trailer park and the lawyer will advise. He talked of taxes owed, losses and public safety and “human beings in homes.” The previous owner is gone and he stated, “Our responsibility is to deal with the property.”
Bookkeeper Kim Lombardi questioned the process. Scott told how it takes “enormous pressure and numerous tax sales that failed.” The trailer park is in his service district with his constituents and financial losses. “Believe me,” he told the Council, “I understand.” But, he said moving forward would not be anytime soon because of relocation fees from the State and moving people in 15 degree mornings “won’t be taken well.”
Mayor Mark Marin asked about squatters who were to be dealt with. Scott stated it was hard to tell who’s squatting with renter contracts gone and asked, “Who’s to say they’re not renting a room legally?”
Council member Pat Whitley felt, “They all have to leave.”
Under question from Brooks, Scott stated all they can do is enforce the law and it’s an illegal trailer park in violation with a need to revoke the permit.
Pat mentioned four parcels within the City limits.
Scott stated they can’t sell it as a trailer park once the license is revoked and trailers are not allowed to stay there on advice from the lawyer. He called it a “tragic, horrible situation” for people who live there.
As for water to the trailer park, the City owns the water but the park owned the pipes. Brooks stated Counsel had said to give a 120-day procedure to shut them off with a 45-day period to respond. He talked of shared water and power, calling it a “bad situation.”
Council member Kristin Gallegos was in favor of warning people about water and maybe give them an incentive to move.
Brooks wanted to agendize for an update and Scott said to wait until the State makes a decision.
On another note, Scott stated he’d talked to Eastern Plumas Health Care’s CEO Tom Hayes and he and Supervisor Jim Beard had met with the hospital board over the Loyalton boilers cost and trying to get a USDA loan at 3.5% . He said they’d found a pair of boilers for a total of $50,000. The current boilers have a six-month temporary State permit. The Loyalton Skilled Nursing has 20 residents and Scott said they’re waiting to house more for fear of having to move the residents again due to the boiler issue.
LOYALTON CITY COUNCIL approved a proclamation of local emergency resulting from the January 2017 flood event. If residents have flood damage, they should contact City Hall at 993-6750 and be referred to Lee Brown at the Office of Emergency Services in Downieville.
An existing policy over the City’s use of volunteers was discussed with a need to list physical limitations.
The Council approved an emergency hire for temporary, seasonal part-time city maintenance worker for 30 hours/week the first two weeks to do catch up and training and then 25 hours/week.
Appointments of Council members to Boards were: LAFCO, Pat Whitley, Brooks Mitchell and Mark Marin alternate; SEDCorp, Pat Whitley and Brooks Mitchell as alternate; Local Transportation Commission, Pay Whitley , Nancy Rogers and Mark Marin as alternate; Sierra County Economic & Business Development, Pat Whitley and Kristin Gallegos; SCORE, Kathy LeBlanc and Brooks Mitchell as alternate.
For Committees, the entire Council is on Finance; Parks & Recreation, Public Works are Kristin Gallegos and Nancy Rogers; Personnel, Pat Whitley and Kristin Gallegos.
Scott told of an upcoming pre meeting with County Counsel concerning Loyalton Mobile Home Park and talk of permits in trying to find out if the State has revoked the trailer park permit. Scott explained the need for a permanent revoke permit to move forward but they can’t transition people in winter. He talked of questions about funds for relocation and wanting it to be in warm weather. He told the Council how the State required an auction but with no bids and stated, “There’s only so much we can do to recoup taxpayer money.”
Councilman Brooks Mitchell brought up losing sewer and water funds they can’t recoup. He talked of “just losing more revenue if they wait through winter.”
Scott responded with, it’s the “State’s fault; they control the license.” He added they can’t do anything with the land and it won’t be a legal trailer park and the lawyer will advise. He talked of taxes owed, losses and public safety and “human beings in homes.” The previous owner is gone and he stated, “Our responsibility is to deal with the property.”
Bookkeeper Kim Lombardi questioned the process. Scott told how it takes “enormous pressure and numerous tax sales that failed.” The trailer park is in his service district with his constituents and financial losses. “Believe me,” he told the Council, “I understand.” But, he said moving forward would not be anytime soon because of relocation fees from the State and moving people in 15 degree mornings “won’t be taken well.”
Mayor Mark Marin asked about squatters who were to be dealt with. Scott stated it was hard to tell who’s squatting with renter contracts gone and asked, “Who’s to say they’re not renting a room legally?”
Council member Pat Whitley felt, “They all have to leave.”
Under question from Brooks, Scott stated all they can do is enforce the law and it’s an illegal trailer park in violation with a need to revoke the permit.
Pat mentioned four parcels within the City limits.
Scott stated they can’t sell it as a trailer park once the license is revoked and trailers are not allowed to stay there on advice from the lawyer. He called it a “tragic, horrible situation” for people who live there.
As for water to the trailer park, the City owns the water but the park owned the pipes. Brooks stated Counsel had said to give a 120-day procedure to shut them off with a 45-day period to respond. He talked of shared water and power, calling it a “bad situation.”
Council member Kristin Gallegos was in favor of warning people about water and maybe give them an incentive to move.
Brooks wanted to agendize for an update and Scott said to wait until the State makes a decision.
On another note, Scott stated he’d talked to Eastern Plumas Health Care’s CEO Tom Hayes and he and Supervisor Jim Beard had met with the hospital board over the Loyalton boilers cost and trying to get a USDA loan at 3.5% . He said they’d found a pair of boilers for a total of $50,000. The current boilers have a six-month temporary State permit. The Loyalton Skilled Nursing has 20 residents and Scott said they’re waiting to house more for fear of having to move the residents again due to the boiler issue.
LOYALTON CITY COUNCIL approved a proclamation of local emergency resulting from the January 2017 flood event. If residents have flood damage, they should contact City Hall at 993-6750 and be referred to Lee Brown at the Office of Emergency Services in Downieville.
An existing policy over the City’s use of volunteers was discussed with a need to list physical limitations.
The Council approved an emergency hire for temporary, seasonal part-time city maintenance worker for 30 hours/week the first two weeks to do catch up and training and then 25 hours/week.
Appointments of Council members to Boards were: LAFCO, Pat Whitley, Brooks Mitchell and Mark Marin alternate; SEDCorp, Pat Whitley and Brooks Mitchell as alternate; Local Transportation Commission, Pay Whitley , Nancy Rogers and Mark Marin as alternate; Sierra County Economic & Business Development, Pat Whitley and Kristin Gallegos; SCORE, Kathy LeBlanc and Brooks Mitchell as alternate.
For Committees, the entire Council is on Finance; Parks & Recreation, Public Works are Kristin Gallegos and Nancy Rogers; Personnel, Pat Whitley and Kristin Gallegos.