January 29, 2020 – The U.S. Census Bureau wants the community’s help to get a complete and accurate count this spring and summer. Thousands of census taker jobs are still available in Sacramento county and in every Northern California county. The jobs offer flexible hours on nights and weekends, weekly pay, mileage reimbursement and higher than average hourly wages.
The pay rate in Sacramento County begins at $21 per hour, even more for supervisors. Anyone who is 18 years old, a citizen and has an email address can apply online at 2020census.gov/jobs.
Beginning in mid-April, census takers will work in an operation that counts all people who have not self-responded to the census questionnaire. They will visit those households in person and help residents respond to the census. We want to recruit people who live in the communities they’re working. People who know their communities are best positioned to explain how important it is to respond to the Census when they knock on the door.
The decennial count influences how hundreds of billions of dollars are distributed each year for schools, roads, bridges, homeless and senior services, emergency response and other critical services and programs.
For more information about 2020 Census jobs, call 1-855-JOB-2020.
Recruiting event details:
Carmichael Library
5605 Marconi Avenue
Carmichael, CA 95608
Friday, January 31, 10 am - 4 pm
Saturday, February 1, 10-am - 4pm