QUINCY, Calif. – September 1, 2016 – Hunters and other visitors to Wildcat Ridge, in the northern area of Plumas National Forest, may encounter between three and 13 workers during daylight hours Monday – Friday through the month of December.
The workers are fire prevention technicians from the Plumas National Forest, and they are conducting fuels reduction and restoration projects. Workers will be wearing bright orange vests with yellow hardhats.
Hunters and shooting enthusiasts are strongly advised to take caution when shooting on Wildcat Ridge, as these Forest Service resource crews may be in the area. Please select your targets carefully, and ensure that no one is in your downrange area prior to firing.
The specific boundaries of the area being treated are as follows:
- T28N R13E, Sec. 31
- T28N R12E, Sec’s 15,22,23,24,26,27,34,35,36
- T27N R12E, Sec’s 1,2,3,11,12
- T27N R13E, Sec. 6
For more information on restoration activities and hunting safety guidelines, please call the Mt. Hough Ranger District at (530) 283-0555 or visit our website at http://www.fs.usda.gov/plumas .