TERRY LeBLANC OF “TERRY’S TOYS FOR TOTS” hands out a donation can to Stacey Estrada of Calpine to place it at Sierra Valley Lodge.
“We would like to have a challenge between the Sierra Valley Lodge and the Golden West to see who can raise the most donations. Donation cans will also be placed in businesses throughout the valley,” Terry says.
He is also recruiting for a volunteer to take over his duties, which has been helping needy families for 20 years. The organization, he says, has raised $4-$5,000 to supply used toys including fixed up bikes.
ANGEL TREES ARE UP! All gifts must be unwrapped and returned to Sierra County Health & Human Services by 5:00pm on Friday 12/11/2015. Thank you for all the support we have received over the years, let's make this Christmas great for our local kids smile emotion.
“We would like to have a challenge between the Sierra Valley Lodge and the Golden West to see who can raise the most donations. Donation cans will also be placed in businesses throughout the valley,” Terry says.
He is also recruiting for a volunteer to take over his duties, which has been helping needy families for 20 years. The organization, he says, has raised $4-$5,000 to supply used toys including fixed up bikes.
ANGEL TREES ARE UP! All gifts must be unwrapped and returned to Sierra County Health & Human Services by 5:00pm on Friday 12/11/2015. Thank you for all the support we have received over the years, let's make this Christmas great for our local kids smile emotion.