Feather River Land Trust is offering a unique opportunity on Saturday, May 28th to kayak and canoe the wetland channels of the Middle Fork Feather River in Sierra Valley. This opportunity is open to the public and land trust members alike but online registration is required. The local land trust is offering a naturalist guided tour by boat for the first time in three years because of the wet spring and higher water levels. The boat tour and walk will be guided by long-time land trust member, local botanist, and birder Jim Battagin.
This outing is part of a series of naturalist led events on FRLT’s conserved properties this spring and summer. The non-profit organization believes in not only conserving the lands and waters of the Feather River watershed but also in connecting people to this special place.
The cost of the event is $20 per person and includes lunch. The Sierra Valley boating luncheon is free to FRLT members who donate monthly. For more information on membership and the event visit www.frlt.org. In partnership with High Sierra Music Foundation, FRLT is offering an incentive to joining their monthly giving circle. Each person who becomes a monthly donor at $10 or more a month is entered into a raffle to win tickets to the High Sierra Music Festival.
The Sierra Valley Boating Luncheon is Saturday, May 28 from 10am-2pm. For more information contact Vanessa at 530-283-5758 or register online at www.frlt.org