Sacramento - Board of Equalization Vice Chair George Runner issued the following statement today in response to Governor Jerry Brown's 2018-19 January budget proposal:
"It's a smart move by the governor to boost the state's rainy day fund, since as he warns, the threat of a recession still looms, and California is still very much vulnerable to boom-and-bust budgeting.
"However, since members of his own party are suddenly and surprisingly concerned about taxpayers, it would be great if the governor would use the budget process to work with Republicans to come up with ways to reduce the overall tax burden of California residents, which is very high.
"The governor could start by refunding the money to Californians who paid the now suspended fire prevention fee, and by reconsidering the need for his catastrophic gas tax hike."
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George Runner represents more than nine million Californians as an elected member of the State Board of Equalization. For more information, visit
Attorney General Becerra Issues Statement on Governor’s January Budget
SACRAMENTO – California Attorney General Xavier Becerra issued the following statement in response to Governor Brown’s 2018-2019 state budget proposal:
“Governor Brown has shown his commitment to maintaining a prudent and balanced budget, while investing in programs that reflect California’s values. The Department of Justice has developed a strong track record of efficiently and effectively fighting for the people of California, from defending the civil rights of our most vulnerable populations to preserving the natural resources that make California a great place to live, work, and raise a family. I look forward to working with Governor Brown and the Legislature to ensure the hardworking men and women of the Department of Justice can do even more to promote public safety, enforce California’s laws, and defend the state’s interests against federal overreach.”