SACRAMENTO – Assemblyman James Gallagher (R-Plumas Lake) has sent Attorney General Kamala Harris a letter requesting she meet with him to discuss the importance of Sites Reservoir and the vital role water surface storage projects throughout the state will play in lessening California’s drought.
The letter states in part:
“It has recently come to my attention from an article in the Sacramento Bee that you were unfamiliar with the Sites Reservoir project. I can tell you that few issues are as import to Californians as the construction of additional water storage, including Sites.
“Sites is a proposed off-stream storage reservoir that would hold up to 586 billion gallons of water: enough to supply 3.6 million California households with a full year’s water supply. The article also stated that you were unfamiliar with Temperance Flat Reservoir project. It is a similar water storage project that would be located on the San Joaquin River and would hold up to 1.5 million acre-feet increasing water supply to the Central Valley.
“The Assemblyman invites all Senate candidates to review and visit Sites as he strives to ensure Sites and other key water storage projects become a reality at a time when Californians need concrete solutions to the drought.”
***Full text of the letter Assemblyman Gallagher sent Attorney General Kamala Harris can be found below.
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