From the Office of the Mayor - Here in the City of Loyalton and Sierra County we often feel that living in such a small and insulated community is a positive thing; it is a privilege. There is such a feeling of community and connection here; we know our neighbors; there are really no strangers here; our communities are the first to reach out a helping hand and offer support when needed.
Being so small and insulated can also leave us feeling disconnected from the trials and struggles the rest of the State and Nation face. In recent weeks we have watched horrific events unfolding around us across the nation and even closer to home in Reno yet still we have remained largely isolated and safe in our small community.
While striving to preserve our feeling of community here it is important to recognize that much of the Nation does not share in our fortunate circumstances. We are privileged that our County Sheriff’s Office is such a great example of how to interact with the public with dignity and respect. We are privileged that in our community we feel safe interacting with visitors and locals alike. We are privileged that our children can play freely at the park or walk to their friend’s house safely. We are privileged to safely gather and share our concerns and feelings about what is happening across the State and Nation. We are privileged to vocally agree or disagree with our neighbors but know that we are safe while doing so. We are privileged to know,
respect, and call our local law enforcement friends and neighbors. We acknowledge this privilege and recognize these are privileges that every community should share.
Whether you are gathering in the City of Loyalton to stand for Black Lives Matter, to stand against those law enforcement officers across the nation that abuse the power of their badge, or stand in support of something else entirely, I am privileged to welcome you to PEACEFULLY conduct your protest or rally here.
Respectfully, Sarah Jackson, Mayor of the City of Loyalton