On December 14, 2020, Sierra County Public Health received notification of the twenty–eighth through thirty-fist positive cases for Sierra County. One case has been hospitalized. The Greater Sacramento Region’s (GSR) Intensive Care Unit (ICU) capacity is currently at 14.8%. At this time the GSR remains below the 15% threshold. The Stay Home Order will be in effect for a minimum of three weeks starting from Friday December 11, 2020.
Sierra County remains under the Regional Stay Home Order along with the counties of Alpine, Amador, Butte, Colusa, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba.
As the Holidays approach please remember to keep yourself and your loved ones safe:
- Stay home except for essential needs like groceries, medical care and prescriptions.
- Call your healthcare provider about appointment protocols and other services that might be
available. - Many businesses in Sierra County and surrounding counties may be closes, may have reduced
hours or may only be able to let a few people in the building at one time. - Call ahead of your visit.
- When you do leave your home, help slow the spread by wearing a mask, washing your hands and
keeping your distance.
If you believe you have been a close contact of somebody testing positive, stay home and monitor yourself for symptoms for 14 days since last contact. Consider being tested if symptoms develop. Options for testing are listed on the Sierra County Website, or call your health care provider.
Celia Sutton-Pado, MD Public Health Officer Sierra County
For more information, please go to: http://sierracounty.ca.gov/COVID-19 or email: [email protected] ###