FISHING – Supervisor Lee Adams reported during the regular teleconference Board of Supervisors’ meeting held April 21st about a discussion with the Department of Fish and Game on April 20th regarding fishing season and gave options of doing nothing, closing it or suspending the opener. Fish and Game wanted to know as soon as possible what the Board decided. Board Chair Jim Beard stated if the County does not oppose the postponement or cancellation whatever the action Fish and Game decides to take will take effect that night, one minute after midnight. Beard said it was also stated it would be hard to split the county and allow fishing on the east side and not the west side. Supervisor Paul Roen stated there were definitely two sides of the county, adding the eastside had a lot more room to allow adequate spacing. Sheriff Mike Fisher who is also a big fisherman, recommended a narrow surgical approach and strongly encouraged the Board to leave the lakes open and remote watersheds for those diehard fishermen. He added the idea was to limit the visitors but not trample their rights, and concentrate on problem areas. Adams felt they should close the North Yuba River north of Good Year’s Bar for its length up to the Yuba Pass and include the Downie River for its entire length to delay indefinitely or revise when the Governor starts lifting orders. Considering all national forest land is open and this activity is sacred to many, Adams was comfortable with it, adding it would reduce the overall impact pretty minimally and protect the westside communities that would be greatly affected. This action was to be added to the letter to Fish and Game and was approved unanimously
California Department of Fish and Wildlife Responds to Request from Sierra County About FishingApril 22, 2020by kmacinty, posted in covid-19, Fishing (Sport), Public Participation, Public Safety, Regulations
California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) Director Charlton H. Bonham took two specific and limited steps today for fishing in Sierra County. As requested by county officials, CDFW suspended fishing on the mainstem of the North Fork Yuba River and delayed the trout opener on the entire Downie River mainstem in the county. Sierra County officials requested these actions last week along with requests from Alpine, Inyo and Mono counties; however; the tailored request required additional discussion with the county. The director made this decision in consultation with California Fish and Game Commission President Eric Sklar.
Fishing was already open on the mainstem of the North Fork Yuba River. Trout fishing was scheduled to open on the Downie River this Saturday, April 25. Trout is the only fishable species on the Downie River. The closure and delay in Sierra County will expire May 31, 2020.
Specifically, this means fishing is now suspended on the North Fork Yuba River from Yuba Pass downstream to the confluence with Goodyears Creek and the trout opener on the entire mainstem of the Downie River is delayed, both through May 31, 2020. Pursuant to the emergency regulation approved by the Commission, CDFW will provide current information for the angling public online or by phone at (916) 445-7600.
Today’s decision does not affect the trout season in any other county.
For information on the delay in Alpine, Inyo and Mono counties, please see this press release issued yesterday. A comprehensive summary and description of impacted regulations is available on CDFW’s website.
At the request of counties or tribes, CDFW will consider action to address needs regarding fishing seasons amongst the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are a county or tribal representative with questions or would like to provide input on potential angling related delays or restrictions, please contact Roger Bloom, Acting Branch Chief, Fisheries Branch, by email at [email protected].