Capitol Democrat Plan Siphons 30% of Transportation Taxes Away from Roads
Capitol Democrats have announced a plan to increase taxes by $5 billion a year for transportation, but little-to-no money will go toward relieving traffic. Instead, much of those funds will be raided for pet projects that have nothing to do with getting Californians out of gridlock.
FACT: On Day One, the plan already siphons away 30 percent of new money to projects other than roads, including parks, workforce apprenticeships, rural bike lanes, boats, trains and local planning grants.
FACT: The plan mandates that LESS THAN FIVE PERCENT of funds can go to traffic relief or lane expansion, ignoring Californians in major urban areas who spend nearly three days a year in unnecessary traffic.
FACT: The Capitol Democrat plan raises the gas tax by 70 percent (the largest gas tax increase in state history) and increases the average cost of registering a vehicle by 25 percent.
FACT: A person who fills up their car’s tank once a week will pay an extra $125 a year due to the gas tax increase. If you drive a pickup, it would be an extra $260.
FACT: Capitol Democrats claim that we haven’t raised the gas tax in decades, but the Legislative Analyst’s Office estimates that cap and trade has created a hidden gas tax of 15 cents and recently estimated that could increase to 74 cents per gallon.
FACT: Naming a Transportation Inspector General is an artificial reform: it simply renames an existing Caltrans department and provides no independent oversight. The Assembly Republican plan would create an independent Inspector General’s Office to oversee Caltrans.
Providing roadways is a core function of our government. It’s time for Capitol Democrats to stop raiding transportation funds for pet projects and build the roads that will get Californians out of traffic.
Assembly Republicans have a plan that fully funds road repairs AND traffic relief without raising taxes on hard working Californians.