Holiday season is upon us and the Eastern Plumas Community Assistance Network (EPCAN), your local food bank in Portola, is getting ready for its annual distribution of holiday food baskets for those in need of a little assistance. Hams have been purchased with a generous donation from the Salvation Army. Chickens and all the dinner trimmings have been purchased with donations from individuals, nonprofit organizations, and businesses in our communities.
Individuals and families who wish to receive a food basket must sign up in advance, no later than Friday, December 9. Signing up is easy - use the “Holiday Helping Hands Form” sent in the mail to all residents by the Plumas County Sheriff’s Association, or go to the Portola Family Resource Center at 165 Ridge Street in Portola, or go directly to the EPCAN Food Bank during regular hours to pick one up. Completed forms picked up in Portola may be returned to the Food Bank by dropping it in the mail slot by the Dec. 9 deadline.
The actual holiday food basket distribution will be on Thursday, December 15 and Friday, December 16 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. each day at the EPCAN Portola Food Bank at 120 Nevada Street. Distribution of food to those who sign up will be joyfully managed by EPCAN volunteers on Thursday and by the Graeagle Lions Club volunteers on Friday.
EPCAN operates the local food bank all year round. The food bank regular hours are Monday and Wednesday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 and Thursday afternoons from 12:00 to 2:00.
The EPCAN Board is thankful for our donors, volunteers, and supporters. We are strictly a non-profit organization and depend on donations, as well as volunteers who give up their time to serve the community.
If you are interested in making a cash donation, it may be sent to EPCAN at 120 Nevada Street, Portola 96122. To become a volunteer, you may call 530-836-1485.