SB 238: Pushing Back Against Cancel Culture
California state senator Melissa Melendez introduced SB 238 to push back against the cancel culture that has taken over our nation. Celebrities, politicians, and now average citizens are being targeted in the workplace and public square for holding certain political views. If this bill is passed, “political affiliation” would be added to the list of protections under the Fair Employment and Housing Act. Employers would be prohibited from discriminating against any employees or potential employees based on the person’s political affiliation.
Read the bill here.
SB 249: Protect Diversity of Thought in Schools
Senator Melendez introduced a bill pushing back against cancel culture in California public schools. This bill would protect students on the basis of political affiliation and prohibit teachers, faculty/staff, and other students from discriminating against students for their political affiliation. Students have become a target of the indoctrination of the radical left. If they do not agree with the narrative of the radical left, students are sometimes penalized with low grades for having a particular political affiliation. If students are to properly learn and develop critical thinking skills, schools need to adapt an environment that encourages the free exchange of ideas. Targeting and punishing students who do not fall in line with the radical left’s narrative only cheapens the learning experience and robs all students from the opportunity to sharpen their critical thinking skills.
You can find the bill here.
Senate Pro Tem President Toni Atkins and Senate Republican leadership are preparing to suspend the California constitution to avoid their responsibility to the people they represent.
Senate leadership are considering suspending Article IV, Section 8, subsection (a) of the California constitution, which places a 31-day hold on newly introduced bills. This time period gives the people and groups like CRI a chance to research bills, analyze their potential impact, and formulate a plan of action. The California constitution is designed as a check on the government. The Senate leadership intends to suspend this check for the sake of convenience.
California’s government is of the PEOPLE, by the PEOPLE, and for the PEOPLE. Contact the Senate leadership and your state Senator today to remind them who they are accountable to by urging them to reject this unlawful proposal from Senate leadership. This idea should have never crossed the minds of California’s leaders because it is a key component of our democratic process. California’s leadership needs to be reminded that they are accountable to the PEOPLE.
The Senate Leadership can be found here and you can find your representatives at this website.
Read more about this unlawful decision to suspend California law here.
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