-Project application period extended-
QUINCY, Calif. – September 28, 2021 – The project application period for Butte & Plumas Resource Advisory Committee projects has been extended from September 30, 2021 until February 15, 2022.
Projects are available for funding consideration by the Butte and Plumas Resource Advisory Committees (RAC) and the Plumas National Forest Supervisor, per the provisions of the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self- Determination Act of 2000.
Projects must have broad-based support with objectives that may include, but are not limited to: road, trail, and infrastructure maintenance or obliteration; soil productivity improvements; improvements in forest ecosystem health; watershed restoration and maintenance; wildlife and fish habitat improvements; control of noxious and exotic weeds; reintroduction of native species, and hazardous fuels reduction.
The updated project application & critical, related instructions may be found at: http://www.fs.usda.gov/plumas. Look for the “Related Links” menu on the right-hand side of the home page. Links to other information about the Secure Rural Schools legislation and county RACs can be found in the same location.
Approximately $80,000 (Butte RAC) / $400,000 (Plumas RAC) is available for projects starting in mid-2022. A hard copy application package must be received no later than 4:00 pm February 15, 2022, addressed to: Butte RAC, c/o Plumas National Forest – Feather River Ranger District, 875 Mitchell Ave, Oroville, CA 95965-4699, Attn. District Ranger Dave Brillenz (530-534-6500) or the Plumas RAC c/o Plumas National Forest - Beckwourth Ranger District, 23 Mohawk Hwy, Blairsden, CA 96103, Attn: RAC - Designated Federal Official (530-836-2575).
The RACs will review applications in the spring of 2022 and provide their recommendations to the Plumas National Forest Supervisor for funding decisions. All RAC project proposals must be closely coordinated early in the process with appropriate Ranger District representatives and other key partners during the application process. Projects that don’t include a coordination letter with support from the applicable District Ranger will not be considered.
For information about the Plumas National Forest visit http://www.fs.usda.gov/plumas and www.Facebook.com/usfsplumas.
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