December 9, 2021
Bucks Lake Conserved...Forever!
Beloved mountain lake protected for water, wildlife, and play
Bucks Lake—once a large meadow—is a place of importance to the Mountain Maidu people, and offers exceptional recreation, water resources, beauty, and biodiversity. It is now protected for public benefit with a FRLT conservation easement.
Bucks Lake is a Plumas County treasure, visited and loved by many in Northern California and beyond. Surrounded by public lands and the Pacific Crest Trail, the PG&E-owned reservoir offers exceptional outdoor recreation—from boating and fishing to hiking and camping.
We're proud to announce that this beloved mountain lake and surrounding habitat is now protected with a conservation easement held by FRLT. The easement protects important water resources and wildlife habitat, and ensures valuable public access and scenic open space for current and future generations.
Working with Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) and the Pacific Forest and Watershed Lands Stewardship Council—and the support of members like you—this land protection project was many years in the making.
The conservation easement permanently protects 2,164 acres at the headwaters of the CA State Water Project, including Bucks Lake itself and approximately 300 acres of forest, meadow, wetland, and creekside habitats. These habitats support over 30 special status species including Willow Flycatcher, Sierra Marten, Mountain Yellow-legged Frog, and Quincy Lupine.
The conservation easement prohibits lakeshore subdivision, detrimental land use changes, and large building developments that could impact native plants, animals, and cultural/historical sites.
It protects current land uses of the reservoir and surrounding lands including recreation, and adds to a larger landscape of protected lands, with the adjacent Plumas National Forest and the Bucks Lake Wilderness, creating connectivity for wildlife and plant communities.
PG&E will continue to own and operate Bucks Lake and manage recreation facilities and leases.
Learn more, including answers to FAQ, on our blog.