Candidate Interviews for the Sierra-Plumas School Board Trustee vacancy in District #2 were given during the Board meeting April 12th. Candidates were Annie Tipton of Sierraville, Glen Haubl, of Sierra City, Jeremy Miller of Sierra City, and Tom Mooers of Sierra City.
Annie Tipton grew up here and graduated from Loyalton High School and “really wants” to be on the Board with her education background. A major issue she sees is retaining teachers and mandates, funding and curriculum; things that could affect population.
Glen Haubl is newer to Sierra City and Sierra County, having purchased Herrington’s in 2019. He believes in a solid school base and sees major issues as funding with a lot going to home schooling and the remoteness of the area. With experience in the financial world, he talked of spending properly and wisely.
Jeremy Miller works as Sierra County’s Chief Technology Officer and has had part of his entire career around public service, coached football and has worked in education. He wants to participate and help where he can. For challenges, he sees major social changing, funding and constant change.
Tom Mooers talked of the importance of school especially in smaller towns and called education “extremely important.” Major issues he sees is financial management from bookkeeping to management and staffing. He volunteers as a parent in the classroom on Thursdays,
drove the van on a field trip and has spent most of his work life in non-profits.
After discussion, Trustee Mike Moore moved to nominate Jeremy but it died for lack of a second. Trustee Patty Hall moved to nominate Tom, seconded by Mike Moore. Trustee Christina Potter by teleconference and President Nicole Stannard voted no. Annie’s education was important to Nicole. Patty talked about how Tom helped in the classroom and it was hard to get help. Christina spoke in favor of Annie just as the video froze. Nicole made a motion for Annie, knowing both sides of the community and being vested. It was seconded by Christina, with Mike and Patty voting no. Mike preferred Tom’s experience at the Board level over classroom teachers. Superintendent James Berardi stated with no majority, the position will remain vacant and will go to the next Board date and the candidate will only serve until December.
Nicole stated it was not ”dead locked” and felt it very important to have strategic planning and for a greater good motion. She nominated Tom Mooers, seconded by Mike and approved by Patty. Christina voted no.
Berardi stated in November, everyone has the opportunity to vote for this position and for Mike’s position.
Tom took the oath and was seated for the remainder of the meeting. Mike Moore left the meeting due to health problems.
Concern over placement of a second Adult Education Portable as a lab was discussed as it may block the paved handicap parking. Berardi has gotten City rules and setbacks and planned to have it looked at. Wendy Jackson explained placement is due to cost and budget. If placement is moved, she would need support of $17,000 more for infrastructure for propane, water, electrical lines all three times the length of estimates. Nicole stated to try and save space.
AT TUESDAY NIGHT’S School Board meeting, Loyalton High School Principal Megan Meschery was looking for support for replacement bleachers and windows, which she called, “100% safety.” She added, the windows are also an energy issue and the same goes for the elementary school.
The Board authorized out-of-state travel to New York City for Downieville High School students with Patrick Wilson and Niecea Freeman on Friday.
It was stated they need to “move forward on busses” with Berardi stating “They don’t work.”
Loyalton Elementary’s garden is in “full spring.”
Annie Tipton grew up here and graduated from Loyalton High School and “really wants” to be on the Board with her education background. A major issue she sees is retaining teachers and mandates, funding and curriculum; things that could affect population.
Glen Haubl is newer to Sierra City and Sierra County, having purchased Herrington’s in 2019. He believes in a solid school base and sees major issues as funding with a lot going to home schooling and the remoteness of the area. With experience in the financial world, he talked of spending properly and wisely.
Jeremy Miller works as Sierra County’s Chief Technology Officer and has had part of his entire career around public service, coached football and has worked in education. He wants to participate and help where he can. For challenges, he sees major social changing, funding and constant change.
Tom Mooers talked of the importance of school especially in smaller towns and called education “extremely important.” Major issues he sees is financial management from bookkeeping to management and staffing. He volunteers as a parent in the classroom on Thursdays,
drove the van on a field trip and has spent most of his work life in non-profits.
After discussion, Trustee Mike Moore moved to nominate Jeremy but it died for lack of a second. Trustee Patty Hall moved to nominate Tom, seconded by Mike Moore. Trustee Christina Potter by teleconference and President Nicole Stannard voted no. Annie’s education was important to Nicole. Patty talked about how Tom helped in the classroom and it was hard to get help. Christina spoke in favor of Annie just as the video froze. Nicole made a motion for Annie, knowing both sides of the community and being vested. It was seconded by Christina, with Mike and Patty voting no. Mike preferred Tom’s experience at the Board level over classroom teachers. Superintendent James Berardi stated with no majority, the position will remain vacant and will go to the next Board date and the candidate will only serve until December.
Nicole stated it was not ”dead locked” and felt it very important to have strategic planning and for a greater good motion. She nominated Tom Mooers, seconded by Mike and approved by Patty. Christina voted no.
Berardi stated in November, everyone has the opportunity to vote for this position and for Mike’s position.
Tom took the oath and was seated for the remainder of the meeting. Mike Moore left the meeting due to health problems.
Concern over placement of a second Adult Education Portable as a lab was discussed as it may block the paved handicap parking. Berardi has gotten City rules and setbacks and planned to have it looked at. Wendy Jackson explained placement is due to cost and budget. If placement is moved, she would need support of $17,000 more for infrastructure for propane, water, electrical lines all three times the length of estimates. Nicole stated to try and save space.
AT TUESDAY NIGHT’S School Board meeting, Loyalton High School Principal Megan Meschery was looking for support for replacement bleachers and windows, which she called, “100% safety.” She added, the windows are also an energy issue and the same goes for the elementary school.
The Board authorized out-of-state travel to New York City for Downieville High School students with Patrick Wilson and Niecea Freeman on Friday.
It was stated they need to “move forward on busses” with Berardi stating “They don’t work.”
Loyalton Elementary’s garden is in “full spring.”