A persuasive writing assignment through distance learning was given to Ms. Shaffer¹s 5th graders at Loyalton Elementary School. They had to include a strong hook, several facts to support their position, and a strong call to action at the end. Ms. Shaffer found them “very compelling!”
Stop spreading the Coronavirus. Wash your hands frequently, and don’t touch your face. Wear a face covering or a mask in public. Help your neighbors if they need groceries. Help at a six foot distance. Stay home! Do not go to busy places. Also, stop hoarding toilet paper! Other people need some. Remember: stay at home, wear a mask, six feet distance, and help your neighbors!
- Jobe Rosecrans of Loyalton
Hoarding toilet paper doesn’t solve the Coronavirus! How much toilet paper do I have to use? The average is 8 squares per use. Elderly and children need toilet paper as well. Please conserve toilet paper and share when in need. Sharing can go a long way!
- Marcelina Ramirez of Loyalton
How would you feel if someone had to wipe their butt with leaves because of you? Diarrhea is not a symptom of COVID-19. Your normal amount of toilet paper should be enough. Imagine the embarrassment of someone seeing your garage stacked high with toilet paper while they have none of their own. So avoid your neighbors having to steal leaves from your yard. There is plenty of toilet paper for everyone. Don’t take more than you need.
- Sienna Larrucea of Calpine
Is a symptom of COVID-19 going to the bathroom more? NO! Doctors don’t feel that going to the bathroom is a symptom. People are hoarding toilet paper because they want to feel in control. The average American household uses 3 to 4 rolls a week. There is no shortage of TP in America. Only buy the amount of TP you need!
- Kaycie Bracher of Loyalton
Does toilet paper prevent the Coronavirus? Of course not! Toilet paper’s only use is to wipe after going to the bathroom. If you use it as a mask, people are going to think you are crazy! Hoarding toilet paper is not a vaccine. Be conscious of other people. Take only what you need. Even if you did buy a lot of toilet paper, nothing is going to happen. All you need to do is take one pack of toilet paper.
- Everett Powers of Chilcoot
How hard is it to ask an elderly person a few houses down if they need groceries? It’s not very hard to spend 30 minutes a day helping someone elderly get their groceries. Especially people who don’t have to work should help their elderly neighbors because they have much more time. Another reason you should help is that older people have a higher chance of dying from Coronavirus. These are the reasons why you should help your elderly neighbors buy groceries.
- Thor Corcoran of Loyalton
We need to shop local. According to the Washington Post, 22 million people have lost their jobs. A lot of them are from small businesses. Going to large corporations causes local businesses to lose out. If I had a choice, I would rather give to my neighbors than give to Walmart. When you shop local you are supporting your local community. All of Sierra county is small businesses. So if we don’t support them, we won’t be able to keep them. Thank you.
- Tristan Miller of Loyalton