Good afternoon Loyalton High School families, this is Mr. Jones with with a very important announcement.
Starting tomorrow, LHS will temporarily return to distance learning for 2 weeks. We have confirmed exposures to positive cases within our school on our high school and elementary sites. The exposures within our schools are triggering student and staff quarantines. We know this is always a possibility and we will revert to our system already in place to deliver education.
It will be important over the coming days to monitor symptoms in your household and seek testing if symptoms warrant it. Doing a good job now with isolation and universal precautions increases the likelihood that we can return on Feb. 1st.
Starting tomorrow Jan. 14th, the students will transition to distance learning. We will continue our alternating block a/b day schedule resuming with a B Day tomorrow.
4 Class zooms will be scheduled in 55 min. periods starting in the morning at 8:00 am. Lunch follows the first 3 zoom periods then the last zoom period will follow lunch and end at 12:55. 4-30 min. asynchronous periods will occur for independent work in the afternoon. Students may contact teachers for one on one help during that time or your student may be contacted for intervention during that time. The bell schedule will be posted on the district facebook page and on our website.
Students will need to check their google classrooms for the zoom links to attend each class.
Lunch is available for pick up from 11:15 – 11:45 and they must call to sign up the night before (993-4482 x243) and leave a voicemail with name and number of students. Meals will be charged based on their current lunch status (free, reduced, etc.). At this time it is only available to current students.
Lastly, at this time, the school will not be available as an internet hub. Please contact me in the office (993-4454 x310) if you have tech issues that will prevent your student from zooming in.
This is the last thing we want do but we will always err on the side of safety and caution when the situation arise.
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Good afternoon Loyalton High School families, this is Mr. Jones with with a very important announcement.
Starting tomorrow, LHS will temporarily return to distance learning for 2 weeks. We have confirmed exposures to positive cases within our school on our high school and elementary sites. The exposures within our schools are triggering student and staff quarantines. We know this is always a possibility and we will revert to our system already in place to deliver education.
It will be important over the coming days to monitor symptoms in your household and seek testing if symptoms warrant it. Doing a good job now with isolation and universal precautions increases the likelihood that we can return on Feb. 1st.
Starting tomorrow Jan. 14th, the students will transition to distance learning. We will continue our alternating block a/b day schedule resuming with a B Day tomorrow.
4 Class zooms will be scheduled in 55 min. periods starting in the morning at 8:00 am. Lunch follows the first 3 zoom periods then the last zoom period will follow lunch and end at 12:55. 4-30 min. asynchronous periods will occur for independent work in the afternoon. Students may contact teachers for one on one help during that time or your student may be contacted for intervention during that time. The bell schedule will be posted on the district facebook page and on our website.
Students will need to check their google classrooms for the zoom links to attend each class.
Lunch is available for pick up from 11:15 – 11:45 and they must call to sign up the night before (993-4482 x243) and leave a voicemail with name and number of students. Meals will be charged based on their current lunch status (free, reduced, etc.). At this time it is only available to current students.
Lastly, at this time, the school will not be available as an internet hub. Please contact me in the office (993-4454 x310) if you have tech issues that will prevent your student from zooming in.
This is the last thing we want do but we will always err on the side of safety and caution when the situation arise.
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