SACRAMENTO – The remains of 2020 wildfire survivors’ homes and property -- burned metal, concrete, ash and contaminated soil -- have now been cleared of burned metal, concrete ash and contaminated soil from all 10 properties in Nevada County enrolled in California’s statewide Consolidated Debris Removal Program.
In Solano County, state crews have cleared debris from 114, or 98.3 percent, of the 116 properties participating in the full debris removal program. In Stanislaus County, six, or 85.7 percent, of the seven properties participating in the full debris removal program have been cleared. Earlier, crews completed the removal of eligible debris from all six Yuba County properties in participating in the full program; all four properties in Plumas County participating in the full program; and the onlyparticipating property in Yolo County.
In 2020, over 8,000 climate-induced wildfires burned 4.2 million acres of California, destroying more than 5,700 homes. Property owners incur no direct costs for participation in the state-managed clean up and recovery program, administered by the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) and the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) in collaboration with 25 participating counties.
Major Clearing Work: 95.9 Percent Complete
Wildfire survivors had the option to either use their own contractor or enroll in the state-managed program. Of the 5,991 properties statewide with damage from the 2020 fires, 3,774 signed up to have the remains of their homes, other structures and hazardous trees cleared by the state.
As of June 23, 2021, state-managed crews have cleared burned metal, concrete, ash and contaminated soil from 3,620, or 95.9 percent, of the properties throughout the state participating in the full debris removal program.