The Plumas Sierra County Fair Board is excited to announce the theme for the 2018 Plumas Sierra County Fair; Welcome to the Neighborhood. Fair Manager John Steffanic noted that a common comment throughout both counties has been about how many new people live here. Besides wanting to welcome those people to the community, as well as the fair, Steffanic wanted to use the theme as a springboard to get these new residents involved; “If someone has kids in school, that's always a great place to get new community members involved. After that, it's sometimes a challenge to hook people up to a church, or service club, or any number of other activities that make our community special.”
Steffanic's intention is to reach out to each community and find people willing to create several events to get people engaged in something, anything, to enrich both the participants and the places they live. “I'm hoping to throw some block parties with the same as the fair theme; Welcome to the Neighborhood.” says the fair manager. At the very least, he wants find leaders that can show people how to welcome new folks. “I know in my town of Portola, I recognize people, but I don't always know people.” observed Steffanic. “I think we need to start thinking about walking up to these people, introducing ourselves and asking them about themselves. Where are they from? What do they like about living here? What are they interested in?” As older residents retire, or pass away, the fabric of the community becomes a little thinner. Steffanic thinks this fair theme will give the opportunity to strengthen that fabric by getting new blood woven into our towns.
“It makes perfect sense for the annual county fair to lead the way on this,” says Steffanic. “It is the one event that brings every community together, and we should make sure that anyone who is new to our area is welcome.” The fair is working on ways to showcase the efforts of the various communities working to welcome newcomers to the neighborhood. Steffanic will be looking for people willing to take on the role of “welcomers” in the different communities and invites anyone interested to contact him at the fair office in Quincy. He also points out that it doesn't have to be individuals, organizations are also welcome to fill the role of spreading the word; Welcome to the Neighborhood!
The 2018 Plumas Sierra County Fair takes place August 8-12, 2018 in Quincy, California