Former RCRC Chair Awaits State Senate Confirmation
SACRAMENTO, CA – April 27, 2017 – Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. on Thursday announced the appointment of Sierra County Supervisor Lee Adams to the Commission on State Mandates (Commission). The Commission’s primary responsibility is to hear and adjudicate local entities’ claims that allege the State has imposed a reimbursable state-mandated program on a county, city, school district, or community college district.
Supervisor Adams’ public service career spans 36 years, leading to his current role as the 1st District Supervisor of Sierra County (elected in 2008). Prior to 2008, Adams served as Sheriff-Coroner of Sierra County, County Deputy Sheriff, and Administrative Sergeant. In addition, Supervisor Adams represents Sierra County on the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) Board of Directors, serving as RCRC Chair in 2015.
“We applaud the Governor for appointing Supervisor Adams to the elected official position on the Commission on State Mandates,” said Bob Williams, RCRC Chair and Tehama County Supervisor. “Supervisor Adams’ background and experience in local government will serve rural California well in this new capacity.”
Established in 1985, the Commission is a quasi-judicial body comprised of seven members – the State Controller, State Treasurer, Director of the Department of Finance, Director of the Office of Planning and Research, a public member with public finance experience, and two local elected official positions which are appointed by the Governor. The public member and the two local elected officials are subject to confirmation by the State Senate and serve for a term of four-years.
In addition to the Commission’s primary responsibility, additional duties include the review of county applications for findings of significant financial distress.