JOANIE CHANDLER is pictured above with just a fraction of the many teddy bears she’s donated to the East Sierra Valley Chamber of Commerce to be available at a Valentine’s Teddy Bear Tea Party to be held Saturday, February 11th at 2 p.m. at Loyalton’s Museum just in time for Valentine’s Day, February 14th.
Nearly one hundred unique and adorable stuffed bears will be available for “adoption” with a minimum $10 donation. A silent auction will be available for a “big bear.” The event is sponsored by East Sierra Valley Chamber of Commerce.
Please RSVP if possible: (530) 993-4379 or
Joanie has decided to give up her teddies in favor of angels.
Joanie, known for her radiant smile and friendly personality, survived a malignant brain tumor at the age of 2-1/2. Following three surgeries at UC San Francisco, she suffered stunted growth, damage to her pituitary gland and a growth hormone deficiency. At ages 8-10 she underwent growth hormone therapy to grow to 4’-7” and a current weight of just 63 pounds. She is a graduate of McKinleyville High School with the class of 1989 and is now 46 years of age.
She and parents, Jan and Gale moved to Loyalton in February of 1993 and Joanie became well known and worked at Golden West bussing tables, riding her bike to work.
Joanie had been given the bears for special occasions and her mom finally said, “No more!” So one of her four older brothers gave a parting shot by sending her a fun bag of “Modoc County Bear Poop.”
Several times in the past, Joanie has made bear donations to Portola’s Highway Patrol and to Sierra County Sheriff’s Office.
Eight years ago she underwent additional surgery which Jan says has left her weaker and less active.
Joanie used to make handmade greeting cards, do latch hook and puzzle books.
Due to resulting deep scar tissue she is physically older and has become much more sedentary.
Nearly one hundred unique and adorable stuffed bears will be available for “adoption” with a minimum $10 donation. A silent auction will be available for a “big bear.” The event is sponsored by East Sierra Valley Chamber of Commerce.
Please RSVP if possible: (530) 993-4379 or
Joanie has decided to give up her teddies in favor of angels.
Joanie, known for her radiant smile and friendly personality, survived a malignant brain tumor at the age of 2-1/2. Following three surgeries at UC San Francisco, she suffered stunted growth, damage to her pituitary gland and a growth hormone deficiency. At ages 8-10 she underwent growth hormone therapy to grow to 4’-7” and a current weight of just 63 pounds. She is a graduate of McKinleyville High School with the class of 1989 and is now 46 years of age.
She and parents, Jan and Gale moved to Loyalton in February of 1993 and Joanie became well known and worked at Golden West bussing tables, riding her bike to work.
Joanie had been given the bears for special occasions and her mom finally said, “No more!” So one of her four older brothers gave a parting shot by sending her a fun bag of “Modoc County Bear Poop.”
Several times in the past, Joanie has made bear donations to Portola’s Highway Patrol and to Sierra County Sheriff’s Office.
Eight years ago she underwent additional surgery which Jan says has left her weaker and less active.
Joanie used to make handmade greeting cards, do latch hook and puzzle books.
Due to resulting deep scar tissue she is physically older and has become much more sedentary.