Yesterday Plumas National Forest Supervisor Chris Carlton signed the North Quincy Forest Resiliency Project (North Quincy Project) Decision Notice, the third within the Community Protection and Wildfire Crisis Strategy Landscape identified on the Plumas in January 2023.
The project is for critical fuel reduction on approximately 8,987 acres of National Forest System Lands on the Mount Hough Ranger District in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) around Quincy, American Valley, Butterfly Valley, Keddie and other nearby communities. This includes homes along Chandler Road and in the South Park area.
Analysis for this project was done in partnership with Feather River Resource Conservation District (RCD). Sierra Nevada Conservancy’s Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Program provided approximately $782,000 to Feather River RCD to fund the planning effort.
Additionally, the Plumas National Forest obligated approximately $4 million in Wildfire Crisis Strategy funding to the RCD to prepare for and start implementation of high priority fuels reduction work. More information will be shared as work begins, including what area residents and visitors can expect as work starts in the forest.
Please let me know if there are any questions or if there is anything you need.
Thank you!
- Tamara
Tamara Schmidt
Public Affairs Officer
Forest Service
Plumas National Forest
p: 530-283-7850
c: 530-927-8526
[email protected]
159 Lawrence St.
Quincy, CA 95971