- December 20, 2024
CDFW has posted new depredation determination forms to the CDFW Gray Wolf webpage, under "Potential Conflict and Depredation". Fourteen new depredation determinations have been added for October and November 2024. Four of the confirmed determinations are a result a new pair of wolves in Lassen County, the group is currently represented as an Area of Wolf Activity on the agency's current Approximate Area of Gray Wolf Activity map. Any 'Confirmed' or 'Probable' depredations are eligible for CDFW's Wolf Livestock Compensation Program.
- 10/24/2024 - Lassen County - Confirmed
- 10/28/2024 - Lassen County - Confirmed
- 10/30/2024 - Tulare County - Probable
- 11/1/2024 - Tulare County - Confirmed
- 11/5/2024 - Sierra County - Unknown
- 11/7/2024 - Lassen County - Confirmed
- 11/12/2024 - Lassen County - Confirmed
- 11/16/2024 - Lassen County - Confirmed
- 11/19/2024 - Lassen County - Confirmed
- 11/23/2024 - Siskiyou County - Confirmed
- 11/24/2024 - Siskiyou County - Confirmed
- 11/27/2024 - Siskiyou County - Confirmed
- 11/28/2024 - Siskiyou County - Confirmed
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