Quincy, Calif – May 27, 2016 –Daniel Lovato, acting Plumas National Forest Supervisor, welcomes new forest management team members, Madonna Lachman, Forest Civil Rights Officer and Scott Lucas, Forest Fire Management Officer (FMO).
Ms. Lachman, an equal employment opportunity (EEO) professional for about 12 years, hails from the Department of Defense, US Army Garrison in Daegu, South Korea. She started her career in 2004 as an EEO Assistant/Collateral Duty Counselor. Her career progressed as a developmental EEO Specialist with the Army, eventually serving as an EEO Manager for both the Army and Air Force.
She and her husband, now living in Quincy, returned to California to be near their 3 children, 4 grandkids and other family. All are outdoor enthusiasts and enjoy bike riding, fishing, camping, boating, rafting and traveling. She also enjoys sewing, crafting and shopping.
Mr. Lucas was previously the Deputy FMO for the Northern California District of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) since late 2014 and was most recently detailed as the Deputy State FMO for California BLM. Scott has been a member of the NORCAL 2, Type 2 Incident Management Team since 2009.
He started his career in 1992 in Colorado with a local fire department followed by temporary firefighter positions with the Forest Service & BLM. He became a permanent employee with the BLM in 1998 and has subsequently had fire positions with Craig and Carson City Districts of the BLM and Everglades National Park in addition to the Stanislaus, Shasta-Trinity and Modoc National Forests in California.
He is a rabid golfer (who struggles to stay under a 20 handicap) and aspiring chef who resides in Reno, NV with his wife and two sons.
According to Supervisor Lovato, several other critical leadership team positions will be in place soon. All three of the incoming permanent employees worked on the Plumas NF earlier in their careers.
· Barbara Drake will be returning to the forest in early July as the new Deputy Forest Supervisor. She is currently the Acting Deputy Forest Supervisor on the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit where her position of record is the Vegetation, Urban Lot, Fire and Fuels Staff Officer.
· Micki Smith will be joining the team as the Mt. Hough District Ranger in late June. She is currently the El Dorado National Forest Resource Officer.
· Sabrina Stadler is the new Beckwourth District Ranger, arriving in early August. She is currently the Forest Plan Revision Leader for 4 national forests in Oregon.